Red Rose Flower


Woman’s City Club

of Norwich




Organized April 6, 1927

Incorporated December 6, 1927




Prior to the first meeting of the Woman’s City Club of Norwich, Inc., the six founders discussed the need for an organization of local women interested in the civic, educational, and cultural life of the community. On April 6, 1927, fifty women met for lunch to discuss plans for such an organization. The first club meeting was held on April 26, 1927, with 267 women present, known as Charter Members. In 1962, at the Thirty-fifth Anniversary celebration, twenty-four women with continuous membership were honored with life memberships. The Constitution and By-Laws were adopted on June 22, 1927, and the organization was incorporated on December 6, 1927. Ten departments were organized and some of them sponsored classes for members and their husbands. These departments have since been revised. Following the first Annual Meeting, an article in the local newspaper gave recognition to the outstanding achievements and progress of the club. On March 17, 1942, the first American Home Day was held which had as its theme, “The home as a background for the development of the personality of each individual in the home.” It was noted at the 1981 American Home Day that The Woman’s City Club of Norwich is one of the very few clubs that has continued this tradition. A grand celebration took place on April 18, 2017, to commemorate the 75th Diamond Jubilee presentation of American Home Day. Our Club was federated in 1948, thus making it a part of the Connecticut State Federation and the General Federation, a national and international organization; the largest group of women in the world. On January 18, 2000, the members voted to leave the Federation and return to being an independent club. The Scholarship Fund, which is supported by various fundraising projects, was established in 1963. In the Spring of 1978, the Woman’s City Club celebrated its 50th Anniversary, and its 75th Anniversary was celebrated in the Spring of 2003. A complete set of yearbooks has been kept, which provides a record of programs, membership and other vital information. Over the years, our Club has participated in various civic, educational and community activities, and many of our members have served as volunteers in various programs. There have been many changes during the years, but the basic philosophy and goals have remained the same.




The Woman’s City Club of Norwich is a women’s organization dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer services. We are a non-profit charitable organization of local women interested in civic, educational and cultural life in our community.


Joanne Fusaro

299 Harland Road

Norwich, CT 06360

All dues are payable to the Assistant Treasurer as of May 1st. Any member whose dues remain unpaid at the close of the calendar year, December 31st, shall be dropped from the membership for non-payment of dues. Membership cards issued by the Assistant Treasurer shall serve as a receipt for dues.

Any member joining the club after the 1st of April, shall have her membership extended though the following year.




The chairperson provides a program that can cover any milieu in which we live that may include nature, crafts, hobbies, recreation, sports, food, fashion, art, music, dance etc. The arts program takes place at the membership meeting each March, the creative arts month. Ongoing planning starts at least three months prior, to develop a program and or get a speaker.


Established in 1963 and supported by various fund raising projects carried out throughout the year, requiring long term planning.


This has been an annual event since March 17, 1942. Norwich has remained one of the few clubs to continue this tradition. On April 18, 2017, the 75th diamond jubilee presentation was held. This was one of the highlights of the year for the club with different themes and presentations by people from a wide variety of careers and endeavors. Several months of preparation are required to develop this program.


The purpose of the committee is to be a goodwill ambassador to the community. This can be accomplished through various projects determined by the committee. All projects need Board approval.


The Chairperson shall be responsible for purchasing cards, stamps and mailing cards to members who are ill at home, hospitalized, death in family, special occasion. Cards will also be sent to families of deceased members and former members.


The chairperson and committee will strive to connect to seniors in our community. Outreach to skilled care and retirement facilities through visits, cards, flowers, etc., is a focus. Involvement of other community groups, Senior Centers and schools may enhance the outreach.


Newsletter submission is the third Friday of the month for delivery the following month. No newsletter—January, February, July & August when the club does not meet. Due to cost, the newsletter is limited to 4-5 pages including an invitation to club events as listed on page 5. If space permits, miscellaneous information may be included. The President’s message is usually first followed by the format or structure of the Chairperson’s choice. Members are requested to receive the newsletter electronically, but, if necessary a mailed copy can be arranged.


The chairperson maintains and updates a list of newspaper, television and other publications to be used for public events and happenings of the club as directed by the President, Board of Directors and Committee Chairs.

SOCIAL MEDIA & WEBSITE (Special Appointments)

An outlet to inform the public of our activities to encourage membership and used as a platform for special events.


The chairperson relays information on national, seasonal, current and pertinent news regarding health issues. She provides tips, current research and information on web sites etc., for further information and submits to newsletter prior to submission date.









